Team Spotlight - Sue Cooper


We would like to introduce the latest member of the Payroll team – Susan (Sue) Cooper.

Sue joined BSN back in April 2022, she has many years’ experience in preparing and finalising payrolls and has slotted in perfectly.  It feels like she has been here forever.

During the short time that Sue has been with BSN she has assisted Tanya in streamlining the payroll processes even more which has been extremely beneficial to both BSN and our clients and Tanya has also achieved a healthier work-life balance as a result, which is fantastic.

We have been working hard to become paperless in the payroll department over the last couple of years and we are now almost fully digitalised. The addition of Sue to the team has provided the capacity in the business to be able to finish this huge task and it seems really strange to see only a handful of payroll folders on the shelves, rather than there being several bookshelves that were completely full and fit to burst.

Sue has supplemented the payroll team with additional expertise and capacity, so clients can rest assured they continue to be in safe hands an receive an excellent service from BSN. Thanks Sue for everything you do!

Pippa Hawkes