BSN attend the Big Ball of Courage to support our charity client - The Kids Village


On Saturday some of our team were privileged to attend the Big Courage Ball to help raise money for The Kids Village. 

 The Kids Village is a charity set up by the Fletcher family to build a respite village in Staffordshire for critically ill children and their families so they can escape the hospital and treatment facilities for a short while and reconnect with each other and meet other families who are going through the same journey as they are. 

 Sammie and Gary put on a fabulous Narnia themed evening including an entrance through the fur filled wardrobe. There were performances from Birmingham conservatoire, dancers, and even Mr Tumnus himself. The night was rounded off with a set from the RPJ band. We were also treated to an amazing performance of Believe from Amelia Eldred, an absolutely inspiring young lady who completely stole the show. 

 We were very proud that our audit manager Tim came second in the either/or game! And we came away with a new addition to the tax department. 

 To learn more about Kids Village and the work they do or to make a donation please visit

Pippa Hawkes