BSN encourage wellbeing in the work place

At BSN there has been a huge focus on wellbeing in the work place and encouraging staff to talk about how they are feeling. We have also put some changes in to help staff within the work place to ensure they take breaks and use holidays. To ensure all staff have the time to recharge and are working at their best.

One of the big things we have introduced is lunch time activities which have included pancake making and teambuilding exercises. These have enabled staff to take a step back from work and also engage with other members of staff. This gives everyone the chance to switch off and feel refreshed to continue with work after lunch. We currently have a lunch time table tennis tournament on and have already seen some exciting matches. We will look forward to who is crowned the boardroom table tennis champion in the coming weeks.

In line with this sage have introduced for members an online masterclass which is a selection of videos and articles for sage members to access. This seasons topic is about finding and keeping great people in the work place. There are a number of articles and videos including “Steps towards a happier, healthier and more productive workplace”, “Hiring for inclusivity”, “How to unlock your team’s talents” and many more. Each article is a quick 2-3 minute read and gives some great ideas to improve the work place, while also focusing on the mental health and wellbeing of staff.

“Why companies need to be more Human” by Michael Acton Smith made for an interesting read and gave some great ideas for creating a calmer workplace and putting people first.

The article states “There is an often-quoted statistic that one in four people struggle with their mental health. The reality is one in one. That means everyone—every single person—who walks through your doors and sits at a desk or Zooms into a meeting, has something else on their mind. It could be an endless to-do list, there may be childcare or relationship issues, a parent may be seriously unwell. Or something more serious and harder to pinpoint at the clinical end of the spectrum such as anxiety, PTSD or depression.

If you have a body you have physical health, if you have a mind, you have mental health. We all have good days, and we all have bad days.”

The article offered 5 tools for a more mindful workplace but I feel these could help everyone in their hectic day to day lives. The two that really stood out were;

1.       Ignore your mobile! — this is super hard, but it’s literally changed my life. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, I’d like you to try to not look at your phone until you’ve left the house. Just give it a go tomorrow and see what happens and how it feels. Allow your brain to wake up and stay focused on household tasks and conversations for a few extra moments, before being marinated in social media, world news and emails. It will thank you for it!

2.       Take a deep breath. So simple but it works!

I have implemented a phone ban each evening and you will be amazed at the difference it makes. So, give it a try 😊

If you want to check out the Sage Membership Masterclass here is the link -

Pippa Hawkes