Life as a working mum - see how one of our team does it!


I joined BSN in November as a Manager in Accounting Services, after being on extended maternity leave for around 7 years. Understandably, I was a little apprehensive when considering the logistics of working a part-time job alongside my already busy day-to-day life with my children, as well as wondering if I still had the appropriate knowledge and skills after being out of the Corporate environment for such a long period of time. However, right from the beginning I felt at ease working at BSN. I was welcomed by the team immediately, and Pippa & Hannah have such a wealth of knowledge from their experience that with their coaching and guidance I now have the confidence in my abilities that I can continue with my career.

At present I work school hours which enables me to work hard from 9am-2.30pm, and then I can pick my children up from school and enjoy the rest of the day with them. My colleagues are all very respectful of my working hours, and are all understanding of any background noise if I take calls later on in the afternoon!

Even with being part-time, BSN offer such a vast amount of opportunities that I feel that I would be able to progress my accounting career as far as I would like, which is incredibly reassuring to know that I can continue to develop in my job, whilst still being able to put my family life first.

The flexible working options at BSN have allowed me to gain a balance with work and home life, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have been given this opportunity.

Pippa Hawkes